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2/38 Mccoy St Myaree, 6154, WA

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Best Cultural Psychology & Coaching Company 2020 - Australia Award by ghp Health & Pharmaceutical Awards 2020



Australian Aboriginal people lived in harmony with each other, the land and the universe for over 50,000 years. Imagine if we could do this today. It is time to weave some Aboriginal magic throughout the world and live, love and learn through art, story, music, dance and language the laws of the land that Aboriginal people around the world have know for centuries.

However, since colonisation this has been severely disrupted. Now all we hear about is Aboriginal Disadvantage, an industry based on dependence and Trans-generational trauma supported by systemic racism. Systemic racism becomes internalised by Aboriginal people and maintains the disadvantage.

To eliminate Aboriginal disadvantage, we have a three pronged approach, each with three stages:

Healing Trans-generational trauma (For people who are impacted by trans-generational trauma)

  1. Healing through ‘the map’ enrol now
  2. Healing through ‘your compass’ enrol now
  3. Healing the energy patterns of trauma and abuse enrol now 

Young People’s Stories from DetentionStories from prison.  

Empowering Aboriginal Communities to become interdependent (For Aboriginal community leaders/workers).

  1. Strong Families = Strong Communities (2 days).
  2. Strong Connections = Strong Communities (2 days)
  3. Theory and Application for your Community (2 days)

Infusing Aboriginal Wisdom in the Workplace

  1. Law of the land (4hour introduction)
  2. Nature, place and purpose (3 days)
  3. Anchor and Source (2 days on Country).

Plus we have programs for professionals who work with Aboriginal communities.

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